General Aviation Safety Council of Ireland
Latest Accident Review
Avoiding Mid Air Collisions
UPRT Stall Spin awareness
Know your aircraft
GASCI Library
Winter ops
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Cessna 150 Safety review
UV Degradation of Aircraft Coverings
Some thoughts on Strip operations
Survey of GA Safety in Ireland
Helmets in GA
Interesting Safety-related material
VFR Charting in Ireland
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GASCI Organisations
Safety evenings
Low Flying survey aircraft - Tellus
GASCI Terms of Reference
For the Airmen - a poem by Katharine Tynan
Cork Airport - Avoiding Runway Incursions
Irish Airspace Review
Have you heard of the Tellus survey? It may be relevant to you.
Conducted by the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI), the Tellus survey collects geophysical and geochemical data on rocks, soil and water across Ireland.
The Tellus website
is updated weekly with the planned flight schedule.
When surveys take place, the aircraft will flies at a low level of 60 metres over rural areas rising to 240 metres over urban areas.
GA Safety Ireland