GASCI Latest News
Going by air to Fly-in or a 'Gathering'? Some good advice and thoughts here.
Avoiding Airspace Mid-Air Collisions TOP TIPS for using Electronic Conspicuity (EC) Devices and a new report on associated Human Factors.
Bristell NG5 aircraft - Possible issue with aft C of G
For when it is permitted: GASCo Return to flying - flight safety guidance for GA pilots returning to flying following a long layoff - thanks to The GASCo board for their initiative and permission to post this - also available on the GASCo Website
NOTAMS made easy! NEW website added - no more trawling through lines of text - easy to use interactive NOTAM map
SKYWAY Code - a free useful guide published by the UK CAA in the downloads section
GASCI Generic 'Outbrief' - A handy checklist to avoid forgetting to do something pre-flight - put it on your phone..